Symptoms of Austism are as follows:
- impairments of social interaction
- impairments on ability
- restrictions of interests and presence of repetitive behaviors
- avoidance of eye contact
- lack of responsiveness
- difficulty forming emotional bonds and displaying attachment
- shown of early preference for unvarying life/daily routines
- Repetitive Behaviors
- hand flapping
- body rocking
- making sounds
- arrange or stack objects
- hand biting (usually causes harm to oneself)
- head banging (usually causes harm to oneself)
- deficit in motor coordination
- poor muscle tone
- unusual responses to sensory experiences
When people look at others and see differences, they tend to judge and some take it farther than what's going on in their mind. During my freshmen year of high school, we had a brilliant young man, who happened to be autistic. He was in all honors classes and my classmates would say that it seemed like he knew everything about history and little "fun facts" that nobody else knew. He always had a book bag, but he always carried his books in his arms facing up, with his calculator, pencil bag and voice recorder on top. He would use that voice recorder to record each class he had, so every night he would go back and listen to what he had recorded. He also would only write in cursive; it didn't matter whether it was in ink or pencil, but it would be written in cursive. Now, he was not the fastest cursive writer, so he had a tendency to get a little angry or aggravated when the teacher would speak too fast or move the notes off the overhead/board when he wasn't done. Over all, you wouldn't know he was autistic, unless you talked to him, because he spoke differently and would stutter when he had trouble figuring out what he wanted or had to say. He was a very nice boy, but I have been told from a first hand source that he was STRONG! He didn't mean to hurt you, but sometimes he did. Autism affects many people and I don't think it's a big deal, but society says that if you don't fit certain standards/guidelines, then you need to fix them immediately. Some people are unable to "fix" their imperfections. I am all for originality and being your own person. If you feel the need to wear only blue socks or that you have to write only in a certain colored ink pen, then so be it! If it doesn't cause any harm or show any cause of future danger, then LET IT GO! Who cares? Honestly. Society is so messed up, I could go on for days, but that's not what this blog is about, so maybe another time.
Autism isn't well understood, and like you said, anything that is different or not like the norm (not understood) tends to bring negative attention. It's good that you're showing a compassionate understanding of this condition.